Food for thought

An old friend of mine just got back from visiting the rohingya refugee. Hope i spell it correctly. He told me his story half way since i couldnt take it. Ive been trying to feel good about myself and everything around me. And that made me realised how lucky am i now. Atleast i have a place to stay, relax and sleep called home. I have a place to clean myself. I have food at home. Family who keeps me accompanied. I have a job with decent pay. Alhamdulillah. 

Relationship with a partner is not everything. While i am too busy worrying about petty things, there are people out there starving and being treated worst than animal. Let us all pray for their safety, health and happiness.


3days to go to weekend, followed by another 3 days to a short break. I cant wait to meet ‘the lady’ championing performing arts, being part of my journey in pursuing my happiness. I need to feel connected. Else it becomes mundane and mechanical.

I have the tendency to believe what people said and follow them. Sometimes i dont even know what people have done to me. Life can be ruthless. So don’t wish for drama or all thay glitters cos we do not know if we could handle it and how harsh it may turn out.

The man that i trusted most in my life has turned his back against me. I hope i can be cold like i used to be. Wake up and learn a lesson – learn to be an iced queen.

3 Signs

And the truth has been unraveled. A photo that has been kept away from me for 2weeks. 3signs from God today. I dreamt twice last night that he has a new girl and then came the photo. The miracle of my 2 weeks non stop of istiqarah.

Well everyone deserves to be happy and to pursue what makes them happy. 


I must admit that Musee Platinum did a wonderful job at permanently removing hair. The procedure was fast and painless. Yup no pain compared to brazillian and you see the results after 2 weeks. Underarm should be free from hair after the next appointment. No pain no gain doesn’t apply in this case.