Brag Bird

No women in this world would brag about their failed encounters. Sometimes it was brought up just because we need to vent out the frustration. Depending on how others interpret them. However those who view others pessimitically will always translate the whole idea negatively. Some would patiently listen and forget them.

Worries Why?

I am worrying but don’t know why. I like to go to my dad whenever I have this unexplainable worries. Could I be worrying about the exam? Or is it the project? Or family matters?
Sometimes isolating myself helps me from saying things that i do not mean or doing things that i would late on regrets.
I hope everything will be fine.

Poverty Exposed

A close friend of mine who is now attached to the government, informed me that the poverty income level in a state located in the northern of Malaysia to be around RM350 per month or less. I was taken aback. And here am I complaining about my bonus, increment etc to be spent on unnecessary things. She added further that surprisingly these people are still happy n very grateful.
I wonder what happened to simple life? Why are we stretching ourselves beyond our capacity and limit? Why do we mess around with our happiness for things we couldnt afford or rather for our wants than needs?


My plans from now onwards to avoid any temptations in the form of men and food. Well, food my be challenging. Need to be mentally strong. To exercise and scrub more frequent. I intend to scrub myself 3 times a week and to apply mask on the similar frequency.
When i am bored, i shall workout. Next, i need to look for a good hair and facial products. Aha 2014 seems like a busy year 😛

Sunday Food For Thought

Ive learned a few lessons:
– dont go out with a guy just because you are bored;
– dont hang out with people who would pull you down. Surround yourself with those who motivate and lift you up higher;
– trying your best has its limits. When people frequently brought up how much they enjoyed the companion of their exes. Then leave them with their thoughts and find someone who would value your companionship;
– have faith in God and let go of old memories.

P/s: i trust that this year will be awesome.

What Others Think Doesn’t Really Matter

I am beginning to digest the arguements we had last weekend and distant myself from him. But i will be there to motivate him when he is in need of friends. Do good to others and good will come to us in many forms. Insyaallah. I may be the kind of woman as described by Captain B but i will not act and behave in that way. There is a huge discrepancies between what and how people portray us and how we carry ourselves in reality.

P/s: been approached by the third headhunter for an opportunity. Alhamdulillah.

Moving On And The Past

Captain B accused me of seeing a lot of people which i felt it wasnt a fair accusation. He said what he had to say last night and of course, again it crushed me. I shall moved on and stay away from him since his view of me wasnt a good ones. The fact that he brought up all my past made me realised who i was and am. I pray to god to give me the courage to move on.

Greetings & Farewell

I cried at last.
Captain B said that we never greeted and bid farewell properly. No handshakes and xoxo. It crushed me. Things have changed. I have been badly hurt from his game which he still plays. Added further with his degrading statements. But it’s ok, i am going to try to make him happy although i know that in the end he will have a lot of excuses. Let him be happy. Sometimes making other people happy will make our life more fulfilling and meaningful.